Most vehicle owners would want a fuel efficient car. Nevertheless, although the car owned advanced technology has been adopted, it will not be beneficial if berkendaranya wrong way.

In addition to driving the wrong behavior, the troubled engine components also contribute significantly to making cars wasteful of fuel oil (BBM).

From the data presented by Toyota, Wednesday, December 2, 2015, nearly 90 percent of cars be wasteful of fuel due to a mistake in setting the spark plugs, carburetor or injector, and valves in the machine. Ironically, the majority of car owners ignore the condition.

So what kind of problem? How to handle it? Here's the explanation:

1. Head and fuse plugs too tenuous

When the axis of the part that arched above the axis or busi- head with the tip of the spark plug head is too loose, it will make a spark that is used to burn a mixture of fuel and air in the machine is also small. As a result of incomplete combustion process.

Many of the ejected fuel injector or carburetor supplied is wasted.
To overcome this problem, reset the attenuation rate in accordance with the standards established manufacturer. Generally attenuation rate was 0.8-1 millimeters.

Strive attenuation rate is appropriate or in accordance with the size. Because, if too loose, resulting flame is too small so that incomplete combustion.

Setting the attenuation rate is strongly recommended if the car has traveled a distance of 25-30 thousand kilometers.

2. Setting the carburetor or injector problems

Usually after a five year old car or a carburetor or injector will have problems. Fuel quality is not good, how to drive that often floored repeatedly, are among the causes.

Thus, although the injector work has been regulated by a device called the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) or computer car, but it's good to have done reset.

If you want to know the condition of your car injector, can be examined by using advanced equipment. Several large workshop has provided the equipment.

As for cars that use a carburetor, make sure the fuel in the carburetor tube in accordance with the dose volume.

Resetting the device over the needle valve and it is a wise step to anticipate that the car is not wasteful of fuel.

3. Position valve engine change

Valve on the machine, function like a door in a gate. So that the door had been broken then flows out can not be controlled.

Therefore, for car owners who have aged five years and over, or a new car which proved wasteful of fuel to check the device.

Reset the valve position. Because, if too tight then the car would be wasteful of fuel, because the valve will open when the driver stepped on the gas pedal. However, conversely if too tenuous to be voiced noisy car engine.

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